Saturday, April 02, 2005

Saturday Night Links (Fever?) is here

(It's going to be a little different than last time)

Do you remember Saturday Night Fever? It was a wonderful movie. When it came out the disco phase had hit and this movie added to it. I remember doing the dances from this movie and having so much fun.

If this should have been in chronological order, I should have mentioned this first: Gone With The Wind (1939), which is often considered the most beloved, enduring and popular film of all time. I shared this film several times with my best friend and it's a classic.

Dawid Bowie, he was really my star. Which David Bowie are you? He has been a varied artist, with Ziggy Stardust, heroes, China Girl, Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence and so on. See him here and here. I remember the great concert in Baden Segeberg with David Bowie.

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The 70's was also mini skirts, hot pants, loon pants, New Wave, Prince Charles grows a beard, the Beatles split, John, Paul, George and Ringo go solo, the Osmonds, Slade and T-Rex/Marc Bolan (some of my favourite's), David Bowie became the biggest UK act since The Beatles, the Bay City Rollers, Abba, the Village People and much more.

This is past, now we have another great time:

Read "The Travelling Story" in The Examing Room of Dr. Charles. It's a fabulous story, written by seven medical bloggers, and probably the first of its kind on the internet.

go fug yourself has become go hug yourself, what will be next?

Then a new carnival "Smarter Than I" came up, submit something that's not your own and smarter (a lot of submissions are coming from me).

See who links to your web site.