Chiropractic neck manipulation
Chiropractic VS Medical education
Chiroquack claims that 15% of medical treatments work, and that illness is caused by "subluxations"
Is chiropractic really complete garbage? I was under the impression it was a legit medical thing
The following film will come as a real shock to anyone who thinks chiropractic is safe
Video of Placebo in Action
What is worth knowing about the Chiropractic profession?
The Chiropractic War on Public Health is still going strong
Benveniste could not reproduce his own experiments and water still has no memory
Can water "remember"?
Discussing problems with energi in water
Homeopathic arguments are like diluted water (nothing is in them)
Homeopathic doctor talks about practice
Homeopathic trickery
Homeopathy exposed - again
How long will it take to become a (un)qualified homeopath?
Misleading the patient for fun and profit
Waterrelated pseudoscience, fantasy and quackery, be amused
What is the paranormal in homeopathy?
Why is homeopathy not acceptable as scientific medical healing system?
Kevin Trudeau
Interview With Kevin Trudeau
Kevin Trudeau's book is still on Best-Seller lists
Kevin Trudeau accused of violating customer privacy
Kevin Trudeau's shady past
Kevin Trudeau in
Quackery and Medical Misinformation:
A story about a patient who was convinced he was dead
About having false hopes
About theories, myth, proper action and Quacky Quacks
Acupuncture: Enter the Sham Acupuncture
Alternative ways to look at the different kinds of "surgery" offered by herbal, magneto, acupuncture and homeopathic therapies
An uncritical piece on the healer named Adam (a.k.a. the Adam Dreamhealer)
Anti-aging (Part 1)
Anti-aging (Part 2)
Anti-Aging Scams
Articles on Quackery
Atkins and other low-carb diets are pseudo
Autism Treatment may have caused the death of a 5-year-old boy
Bad Chinese Morality in Skin Cream
Bad Science
Battle between Science and Quackery
Believers in healing rejected the falsifiability of God's power
Chewing gum increases size of breasts (in Japan)
Common believed nutrition Quackery
Continued Myth about Cancer
Debunking some of the most common myths
Discussing problems with energy medicines
Does any of theese ongoing trends worry you, because they really should
Dr. Buttar and his skin cream
Dr. William Hammesfahr is a Quack
Echinacea is still NOT working on colds
Enter the Sham Acupuncture
Excellent reading about science, alternative medicine
Florida neurologist might be a Quack
Flouridation: Countless Studies have cleared flouridation beyond doubt
Taking on the Anti-flouridators
General signs of quacky web site
Herbs: Natural is not necessarily safe
Herbs: The Myths of Herbal Tea
Herbs: The twenty most popular herbal medicines
How often do you hear of a cure for AIDS?
How to recognize health fraud
Hulda Clark does not have cure for cancer
I am born naturally skeptical against pseudoscience
It is hard to claim pure motives when suggesting that patients try untested therapies
Kylie Minouge's alternative cancer theraphies
LIFEWAVE Energy Patch, what are the credentials?
LIFEWAVE: Wear the Lifewave Patches, and have lots of laughs
Look carefully to the new food guidelines and be sure they are not a political parody
Myth about Cancer
New York Ad agency
Open Minded...or Mindless?
Parents need have no more fears about the triple vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella
Prince of Wales and Quackery
Quacky Quacks
Questions about healing
Questions about acupuncture
Questions about zonetherapy
Questions about zonetherapy part II
Side effects caused by Chinese medicine
Standards will not provide any evidence
The anti-MMR campaign dismissed by Science
The Cajun Cowboy has spent $200,000.00 on alternative therapies
The Prince in a secret mission
Top 10 health fraud PDA-list
Unfounded health-scares
Value of therapy
Why do we have to criticise fraud, scams and misinformation
Why does fraud exist
Will natural medicine be a pille or
Will that Rife Machine 2005 Plus Model G designed by Royal Rife do any good to your health???
Would you like to extend your lifespan?
Zoetron Theraphy: Pair charged over fake cancer clinic
Danske link:
Astrologi, videnskab, tro eller overtro
Bliv registreret alternativ behandler
Eksisterer det overnaturlige
Er der sammenhæng mellem New Age og Alternativ behandling
Findes der mere mellem himmel og jord
Hvad har en kiropraktor med en forstuvet fod at gøre
Hvorfor lader vi os lokke af alternative behandlingsformer
Kan hovedpine kureres med 3 nåle i mit øre
New Age part II
New Age den nye tid?
Nye terapiformer
Pseudovidenskabeligt ernærings-FUP
Salg af falske forhåbninger
Videnskabelige beviser og alternativ behandling
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