Skeptics' Circle is up at Autism Diva blog
The 37th Skeptics' Circle has been posted to Autism Diva blog and it looks great.
A Skeptical View of Alternative Treatments and Medical Misinformation, Pseudoscience, Myth, Conspiracy, Intelligent Design, Religion, Critical Thinking, Science and the Scientific Method.
The 37th Skeptics' Circle has been posted to Autism Diva blog and it looks great.
Penn and Teller are looking for "bullshit" and takes a look at chiropractic medicine, reflexology, magnet therapy and alternative medicine
Dr. William Kinsinger's video presentation at Mercy Health Center in Oklahoma City in April 2004 focuses on the real dangers of highest neck manipulation. Interviews with the parents, and survivors of this technique that has no therapeutic value tell the terrible tale of what can happen if your chiropactor performs this procedureDeadly quacks: Neurologists have long protested the practice of 'highest neck manipulation,' which in some cases has resulted in lethal strokes
Interestingly an alien has now been found in the stomach of a duck.
In 2002, two basic science professors at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine concluded:(Source: Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine Interexaminer Reliability And Cranial Osteopathy)
Our own and previously published findings suggest that the proposed mechanism for cranial osteopathy is invalid and that interexaminer (and, therefore, diagnostic) reliability is approximately zero. Since no properly randomized, blinded, and placebo-controlled outcome studies have been published, we conclude that cranial osteopathy should be removed from curricula of colleges of osteopathic medicine and from osteopathic licensing examinations [10].
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