Saturday, August 20, 2005

Questions about Science

In this article published in New Scientist: they ask what life would have been if some past event had turned out differently:
What if Newton had carried out his threat to quit science? What if Darwin hadn't sailed on the Beagle? What if Einstein hadn't found a job that allowed him so much time to daydream? The trouble is that until recently, the answer to these questions seemed to be disappointing: science would look much as it does today.
The human understanding of science has changed over the time. In the 1990s there was a science war, and since then it has been acceptable and worth answering questions about Science like the one posed in the New Scientist.

There is more questions to ask about Science:

Why do people accept science when it contradicts what they would normally expect?

If you had a hundred million dollars to spend on scientific research, how would you spend it? Would your answer be different if you had a thousand million dollars?

How does Scientist work and in which way do they "produce" and "construct" scientific knowledge?

Is there a point at which scientists will have to stop asking questions?

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