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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
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Labels: Privacy Policy
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Kan vand optage pyramideenergi?
Pyramideforskere er enige om, at vand er i stand til at optage og videregive pyramideenergi. Når denne energi overføres til vand bør det kunne konstateres i form af væsentlige ændringer i vandmolekyler i en pyramide.
Vandet bliver opladet ved at placere det i en plasticskål, enten under, i midten eller på toppen af pyramiden, og når vandet er opladet, har det de samme evner til at »virke« som en pyramide.
Vand som indeholder pyramideenergi skulle have en øget fordampning, føles mere køligt og smage friskere og renere end almindeligt vand.
Efter sigende skulle pyramidevand være velgørende, og have en kurativ virkning. Folk og kæledyr, som har drukket det, siges at føle sig bedre tilpas og se bedre ud. Kæledyrenes hårlag bliver mere blankt. Burfugle synger bedre og fuglenes farvede fjer bliver klarere i farven. Vi har modtaget rapporter om, at ledbetændelse, som blev behandlet med omslag af pyramidevand, blev lindret, og at vandet i andre tilfælde eliminerer smerter og andre problemer i forbindelse med ledbetændelse. Pyramidevand på sår, brandsår, hudafskrabninger, læsioner, modermærker, skønhedspletter, erstatningsvæv, neglerødder, vorter og forskellige hudproblemer tilsyneladende modsvarer de ellers anvendte behandlingsmidler. Kilde: Toth og Nielsen uden dokumentation.
Borg Jensen er endnu mere svævende og begejstret:
Kæledyr af alle arter snakker, pludrer og synger mere af livsglæde. En glad fugl får hurtigere skønne fjer. Med andre ord, farverne får »knald«.« Også akvarister kan ifølge Borg Jensen have glæde af det behandlede vand. Man bør dog kun tilsætte akvariet en liter pyramidevand i døgnet, ellers risikerer man, at fiskene får chok. »Det vil holde Deres akvarie renere,« skriver han. »Sorte mollier vil yngle hyppigere uden nedværdigelse. Fiskene vil blive mere aktive og nogle vil forandre karakter.«
Tanken om, at sorte mollier føler nedværdigelse ved at yngle, vil sikkert komme som en overraskelse for de fleste akvarister, men det er da rart at vide, at man kan stive fiskenes selvfølelse af med lidt pyramidevand. Man skal i øvrigt være en særdeles tålmodig iagttager for at kunne fastslå, om ens fisk på et givet tidspunkt ændrer karakter og i hvilken retning. Har man ikke den fornødne tålmodighed, kan man nok klare sig med en smule selvsuggestion.
Er det muligt at påvise nogen forskel mellem pyramidebehandlet vand og almindeligt postevand?
Tror du på pyramidevandets evner?
Og hvis påstanden er rigtig, hvad kan man så anvende pyramidebehandlet vand til?
Der er en rigtig god artikel om pyramideenergi på Skeptica, som kan anbefales at læse for interesserede.
Okkult leg med Tarotkort
En læser skriver i Ekstrabladet i dag:
"Jeg kender til flere familier, der er gået i opløsning på grund af kortene. Det er velfungerende mennesker, der tager store og små beslutninger, alt efter hvilket kort det trækker, og fralægger sig ansvar, hvis et kort taler for det...
Når så familie og venner er spillet væk, nedsætter de sig som professionelle kortlæggere med specielle evner som problemløsere med sort magi. Den dårlige karma breder sig som ringe i vand, og det er meget skræmmende og kultagtigt."
Min kommentar:
Det er simpelthen for dumt at lade tarotkort styre éns liv og de beslutninger, der træffes.
Hvordan kan det være kommet så vidt, at veluddannede mennesker ikke bruger deres sunde fornuft?
Et andet eksempel er virksomheder der bruger astrologi, som værktøj ved ansættelsen af medarbejdere.
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Chiroquack claims that 15% of medical treatments work, and that illness is caused by "subluxations"
Of all the quacks the worst are those who are widely accepted.
Because you are misled not to be skeptical to treatments that already seem to be accepted.
The only differences between a chiropractor and a good masseuse is that the chiropractor has a machine and is a hell of a lot more expensive. And the masseuse is not so likely to damage your spinal column.
Read about chiropractic's dirty secret: Neck manipulation and strokes. Did you know that chiropractic manipulation is the number one reason for people suffering stroke under the age of 45?
You can join the discussion at skepticfriends.
Eksisterer det overnaturlige?
Det giver ingen mening at udtale sig om ”det overnaturlige” medmindre man mener, at det eksisterer. Til gengæld kan man under henvisning til den virkelige verden sige mangt og meget om menneskers forestillinger om det overnaturlige. Det er umuligt at bevise, at det overnaturlige har en objektiv eksistens, men man kan uden videre se, at begreber om ting, der ikke kan måles og vejes, findes i form af forestillinger, ideer og fantasier. Det overnaturlige hører bare ikke til i en naturvidenskabelig virkelighed, men skabes som en dynamisk forestilling i en social virkelighed.
Af samme grund nytter det ikke at afvise forestillinger om det overnaturlige som irrationelt nonsens. Der er tale om en helt anden form for rationalitet end den som defineres af naturvidenskaben. Den form for rationalitet som vokser ud af forestillinger om guder, mirakler, magi og så videre har at gøre med hvilke forestillinger om verden mennesker gør sig.
Menneskers forestillinger præger den måde de lever på. Det er et forhold som modsiges af vores fornufts- og sansebaserede forståelse af verden. Ved at undersøge hvordan menneskets hjerne virker kan man få indblik i hvordan religiøse forestillinger skabes og hvordan mennesker udvikler evnen til at bruge religiøse begreber. Den overordnede teori er, at forestillinger om det overnaturlige skabes som en konsekvens af særlige forhold i menneskets biologi. De overnaturlige tematiseringer bryder med vores intuitive verdensforståelse, hvilket ifølge teorien stimulerer os i kreativ retning.
Man kan vel ikke konstatere, at det overnaturlige ikke findes. For det findes i menneskets forestillinger og fantasi. Så det kan rent faktisk godt findes, selv om det ikke eksisterer.
Man kan læse mere om det i bogen "Bedst af alle verdener".
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Memory fails you after stress
Stress makes people much more likely to create false memories, say American researchers. It also appears to make them more certain that these false memories are correct. There is serious doubt on the reliability of victim testimonies in cases involving psychological trauma. People are woefully bad at recalling details of their own traumatic experiences. This could help explain why crime witnesses give conflicting evidence or pick the wrong man in a line up.
The brain is affected by stress hormones. The hippocampus, a brain structure needed to form new memories, is riddled with receptors for the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol may cause the effect by suppressing the hippocampus. The nature of the false memories suggests people might tend to let stored associations influence their recall of a stressful event. It might be possible for memories of a crime scene to be influenced by beliefs about the sorts of people who commit crimes.
If you can compare stress to a sort of trauma, it might be the explanation to why stress makes you forget about things.
There is more here:
Memory fails you
False memories
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Tumbleweeds in the Bloodstream
If you have a tumor in your body, it would be nice if your body could tell you long before symptoms appear. Then the tumor still would be harmless and you could do some acting. Some NASA scientist will make this happen in the future.
The idea is to place "nanoparticles" inside the cells to function as molecule-size sensors. If they find sickness or certain signs of trouble they would begin to glow, signaling the outside world that something is wrong.
It would be a revolution to human health if that happens.
Source: Nasa
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Has Arafat been poisoned?
What Arafat might be dying of has been conspicuously not mentioned, leading to many speculations. Of course, some Palestinians have hatched a conspiracy theory about Israel poisoning Arafat. The PLO's news service, WAFA, with a straight face demands an inquiry into the exact manner of his poisoning. "We have the right to know the type, the source of the poison as well as the antidote and how to get it," writes WAFA's political editor.
More interesting, though, is the plausible thesis that the "president" is dying of AIDS. We know he has a blood disease that is depressing his immune system. We know that he has suddenly dropped considerable weight – possibly as much as 1/3 of all his body weight. We know that he is suffering intermittent mental dysfunction. What does this sound like?
The farce is complete, and Arafat dies as wretchedly as he lived.
Google has made a new searchengine
Google's new searchengine that can be used for scientific searches (19.11.2004).
The new tool is the result of the collaboration between Google and several publishing firms of scientific news.
Source: Google scholar
Sunday, November 14, 2004
I have finished my table of contents
I have finished my table of contents. If something is not working, you may please contact me and tell me about the problem. I very much appreciate any comments, corrections and help that can make this site even better. My blog is constantly improving and growing, so come back often.
Choose one of the subjects in the table of contents and you will see the subject index.
General signs of a Pseudoscientific Web Site
Each item listed below signifies that a web site is not a trustworthy information source:
Pseudosciences is driven by ideological, cultural, or commercial goals.
Pseudoscientific explanations tend to be vague and ambiguous, often invoking scientific terms in dubious contexts.
The field has evolved very little since it was established.
The small amount of research and experimentation is more to justify the belief than to extend it.
Observations or data, that are not consistent with established beliefs tend to be ignored or actively suppressed.
Challenges to accepted dogma is often considered as hostility.
Pseudoscientific concepts tend to be shaped by individual egos and personalities.
Chiropractic neck manipulation
Woman paralyzed by chiropractic neck manipulation:
"Six years ago Diane Rodrigue, 36, lay in the intensive care ward of the Sudbury General Hospital attached to a ventilator.
She couldn't breath, couldn't move and couldn't talk. But she could listen. She could listen as doctor after doctor told her she had been paralyzed by a stroke she suffered after a chiropractic neck manipulation."
There is more
Chiropractic patient suffers stroke:
"Watching Kim Barton, 40, talk to you in the living room of her Grimsby, Ontario home you wouldn't suspect she was the victim of a stroke.
Kim's life changed in early October, 1996. She had just given birth to her second daughter. One night she was awakened by a pounding headache. Years earlier she had gone to a chiropractor for treatment after an inmate struck her. "I was a believer," she says. The chiropractor had helped her so, with a throbbing headache, she went visited him again in Stoney Creek."
There is more
More skeptic information about chiropractic
I have tried chiropractic neck manipulation once, and it affected me so much, that I fainted. My neck is no longer available for chiropractic treatments and experimentations. I care about my health and I simply can't trust chiropractic treatments.
Friday, November 12, 2004
Hulda Clark does not have a cure for cancer
Where Are All The people Cured by Hulda Clark? If she truly did have a cure, there would be millions of cured people throughout the world today spreading the news of this cure, and cancer would be more of a nuisance than the deadly disease it currently is. Because the expected numbers are not there, it can be concluded that Hulda Clark does not have a cure for cancer.
You can find good reasons here.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
General signs of a Quacky Web Site
Each item listed below signifies that a web site is not a trustworthy information source:
Any site used to market or promote homeopathic products. No such products have been proven effective.
Any site that generally promotes "alternative" methods. There are more than a thousand "alternative" methods. The vast majority are worthless.
Any site that promotes "nontoxic," "natural," "holistic," or "miraculous" treatments.
There is more
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Thoughts about being skeptic and skepticism
Skepticism is based on the principle that knowledge is testable and that ideas and beliefs can be replaced if they are wrong.
Skeptics are people who want to make sure, that what they believe in and know is most likely that accords with reality. They like facts to be correct.
To be skeptic does not mean, that you don't want to believe in anything. On the other side if you believe in something wrong, it can be hard to accept because your emotional investments in the case. As a skeptic you will have to accept reality and not to be emotional influenced.
Why is some people skeptic and some people not ?
Saturday, November 06, 2004
I have changed the view of my blog
I have changed my blog into a new look.......
I like it much more this way and I think it has something to do with the colours.
Green is one of my favorite. Red is also, but red don't fit in with the blog.
Now I hopefully feel inspired to write.
Friday, November 05, 2004
Websites about critical thinking
This is my list containing websites about critical thinking.
Strategies for Critical Reading and Writing
Propaganda Analysis
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
Skeptic News
Urban Legands Reference Page
The Skeptic's Dictionary
Mission Critical
Field Guide to Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum Project
Nutrition for the Mind
Research and Teaching Resources
Brian Yoder's Fallacy Zoo
Critical Thinking vs Specious Arguments
Dan Kurland's -- Strategies for Critical Reading and Writing
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Nye terapiformer
Baggrunden for nye terapiformer er, at den vestlige kultur er i en dyb identitetskrise. Vores identitet er ikke længere noget selvfølgeligt og kontinuerligt, men noget den enkelte kan afprøve, ændre og udvikle f.eks. ved at gå i terapi. Man har selv mulighed for at ændre både adfærd og holdning.
Formålet med at gå i terapi er ligeså meget at leve et raskt og sundt liv, - et helt menneskeliv med personlig vækst og udvikling.
Det terapisøgende menneske lider ikke af alvorlige psykiske lidelser. Det føler sig snarere hjælpeløs og uden identitet, ligesom det føler de sig ensomt og dårligt fungerende. Det er menneskets forventning om, at der kan ske en forandring, der gør at det er villigt til at gå i terapi.
Forholdet mellem terapeuten og den terapisøgende råder bod på menneskets ensomhed og hjælper mennesker til større selvværd og selvindsigt. Terapien giver klienten mulighed for at udtrykke sider af sig selv, som der normalt ikke er mulighed for i det virkelige liv. Terapien bliver til et møde mellem mennesker, og derved mere end blot en teknik.
Mange af disse nye terapiformer er opstået med baggrund i østlige religioner. Derved er terapeuterne oveni behandlingen medvirkende til at formidle en religiøs forestilling, mange gange uden at være sig selv bevidst derom. Klienterne er heller ikke bevidste om, at der indirekte sker en manipulation ikke kun fysisk, men også holdningsmæssigt.
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