Sunday, October 17, 2004

Questions about zonetherapy, part II

Paul has informed me about zonetherapy and he said...

Zonetherapy is a very popular treatment in Denmark. 26% af the danes have tryed zonetherapy and 19% are satisfied referring to (Danish weblink). The treatment consist of pressure under feet and are based on the theory that you have zones under feet, that can influence every organ and structure in your body. Zonetherapy was introduced in Denmark in the beginning of 1970 by Lis Andersen, á danish PT with interest in alternative treatments.

** Yes, she also stands in supermarkets and uses a pendulum over cans of food, instead of reading the ingredients. Why doesn't she use her common sense? Maybe she isn't mentally grounded anymore......;-)

When you are getting á massage under your feet, something happens with your body, you can feel it. The question is: Can we accept á treatment only because it works or because we can feel something happens to the body? Do we need to know why and how zonetherapy is effective?

** The question is: What do you mean by "works"? Just because one can feel something, doesn't prove that what is claimed is actually what happens. Maybe something else entirely is going on, not at all related to the claim. The claim can be total nonsense, but if people feel something happening, they will often accept this as proof for the claim. One needs to separate the claim from the effect.

Zonetherapy is inspired by easthern religious sources often from taoisme and hinduisme. The question is: Can we accept to keep cause and effects seperated? Can you use the massage under your feet and turn down the cause?

** Absolutely, if by "cause" you mean the "explanation" provided by the therapist.

Alternative treatments and zonetheraphi treats the whole body through á little part of the body.

** I know you don't mean to imply that it actually does so, but to make it clear, you might better write "Alternative treatments and zonetherapy *claim to* treat the whole body...."

They think holistic. The question is whether zonetherapy is á physically or á spiritual way to be treated? Does á little part of the body have spiritually skille to know the rest of the body and the human it´s á part of?

** To the true believer (religious thinking) anything goes. But belief in an idea doesn't make it true.

Often zonetherapy is combined with homoeopathic medicine, meridians, medicine based on flower and other alternatives. The question is: Why? There are many interesting theories about zonetherapy, but we have none conclusive. Is zonetherapy being used like á troyan horse for more "powerfull" and "effective" treatments?

** It is often the first step on a slippery slope towards a belief in more and more nonsensical methods.

** Here is more information:

Zoneterapi = reflexology

Reflexology: A Close Look


Reflexology is based on an absurd theory and has not been demonstrated to influence the course of any illness. Done gently, reflexology is a form of foot massage that may help people relax temporarily. Whether that is worth $35 to $100 per session or is more effective than ordinary (noncommercial) foot massage is a matter of individual choice. Claims that reflexology is effective for diagnosing or treating disease should be ignored. Such claims could lead to delay of necessary medical care or to unnecessary medical testing of people who are worried about reflexology findings.

And then later, Paul said...

I have just posted more to explain the difference between a technique, and a theory and a therapy:

See who links to your web site.