The value of therapy
Interesting links with articles, warnings and claims about psychotherapy and therapists. See the other side of the coin by reading these pages.
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A Skeptical View of Alternative Treatments and Medical Misinformation, Pseudoscience, Myth, Conspiracy, Intelligent Design, Religion, Critical Thinking, Science and the Scientific Method.
Interesting links with articles, warnings and claims about psychotherapy and therapists. See the other side of the coin by reading these pages.
Hope is a product of feeling more confidence than distrust in world. Hope is the first experience that a child is given; I feel hope, I can be and I can trust you. All people have hopes and dreams through their life. Something becomes reality and something does not. We are all going to die, but it is hard to perceive that time is near.
"A psychotherapy is a treatment technique for mental or emotional disorders. There are many types of psychotherapy. Some have been empirically tested and are known to be very effective, such as cognitive therapy. Many New Age therapies, however, are little more than a mixture of metaphysics, religion and pseudoscientific "insights". There may be reasonable disagreements over what constitutes successful therapy, but successful therapy should not require one to believe in God, reincarnation, alien abductions, possession by entities, inner children, Primal Pains, channeling, miracles, or any other metaphysical, religious or pseudoscientific notion."
I have had a lot of thought on what language to write my blog in. I am inclined to write in english as my thoughts has a larger potential for getting feedback. But still a lot of thought works better in danish, because I am danish citizen.
Healing is cure by the transmission of energy from the healer to the patient. The healer usually regards himself as a channel of cosmic energy. Healing means to create whole lives, to create harmony and peace. Healers can be classified into two groups: Healers using helpers like angels, animals and spirits and healers that can transmit the energy without these spirits.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
New Age er ingen bevægelse i ordets normale betydning, da der ingen organisation, ledelse, med-lemmer eller forpligtelser er. New Age er vel nærmest en sammenblanding af østlige religioner, vestens materialisme, en blanding af videnskab og overtro, historie, legender og "moderne" be-vidsthed. New Age er derfor en uhåndgribelig størrelse, hvor mange ville føle det provokerende at blive kaldt New Age-tilhænger. Det gør at det svært for en udenforstående at genkende New Age, når man møder det.
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Paul has informed me about zonetherapy and he said...
Der findes forskellige typer af viden. Der er teoretisk viden, som man har læst sig til og praktisk viden fordi man har erfaring med at gøre noget og så er der den videnskabelige viden. Ved en teori forstås noget mennesket ikke har mulighed for at påvirke. Praktiske vidensformer er alt det der kan være på en anden måde, enten i form af at mennesket kan påvirke det eller at det bare er tilfældigt. Hvad er så videnskab og videnskabelig viden i forhold til den personlige og praktiske viden, vi kender fra hverdagen? Hvordan afgrænses og defineres videnskab i forhold til denne viden og hvad er forskellen på videnskab, personlig og praktisk viden?
People without ability are calling themself clairvoyant. The technical skill to bring up questions are in seat of honour, when the clairvoyant pass on messages which they claim are from the death people. Many people and familys are misinformed when they get the answer to a asked question. They are mislead about their destiny. I wonder how can a clairvoyant sent á angry soul away, goodbye, I will not talk to you ? Why do you have to be quiet when the clairvoyant are telling about the died people and gets information which are not correct? Is it true that som people really are clairvoyant? Can you educate yourself to be á clairvoyant? Or is it á natural talent if anything?
The theory of acupunture is based on the easthern religion taoisme caracterised by a holistic way of thinking. They claims that energy runs throught "meridians" and that you can treat disease by stimulating "meridians" with needles. Sickness is a result from disorder in energy running throug the "meridians".
Zonetherapy is a very popular treatment in Denmark. 26% af the danes have tryed zonetherapy and 19% are satisfied referring to (Danish weblink). The treatment consist of pressure under feet and are based on the theory that you have zones under feet, that can influence every organ and structure in your body. Zonetherapy was introduced in Denmark in the beginning of 1970 by Lis Andersen, á danish PT with interest in alternative treatments.
Nyreligiøse bevægelser og okkultisme er populært som aldrig før, nogen kalder det New Age eller vandmandens tidsalder. Indtryk fra disse bevægelser påvirker os umærkeligt til forandring. Klik ind på Niels Krøjgaard´s hjemmeside og se hvor let det er for en tryllekunstner at manipulere med et publikum. Formålet med foredraget er at åbne øjnene på de personer, som bevidst bliver manipuleret af personer, organisationer, sekter og medier.
En alternativ behandler der ønsker registrering og dermed ret til at benytte titlen registreret alternativ behandler (RAB) kan nu offentlig godkendes, hvis de opfylder visse krav. Loven 'Lov om en brancheadministreret registreringsordning for alternative behandlere' trådte i kraft 1. juni 2004.
Critical Thinking is about becoming a better thinker in every aspect of your life. Everything you do in your life is determined by your thinking. Unfortunately, many people never give any thought to how they think and live. No wonder they're frustrated, in pain and ineffective, directly results of poorly considered thinking.
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